about me.
Hi, welcome to modern sequins. A little blog dedicated to 2 of my obsessions, modern design and a closet full of sequins. Enjoy. xo, Myka
also here.







a new week.

I just returned from a family reunion where I spent the entire weekend snuggling my nephews, niece, and my cousin's kids.  Long chats with my mom, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and my grandma were just what my heart needed.  It was so much fun and I really wasn't ready for it to end.  But Monday is here and while I day dream about my relaxing weekend with family, I'm also excited for the week ahead.  Time to tackle some home projects (I'm looking at you closet...eeeekkk!) and I'm making time to celebrate these summer days (which means I'm going to have to take a trip over a bridge to find some sunshine).  Happy Monday.


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Reader Comments (1)

If you are looking for some adventure + relaxing time, I can highly recommend a canoe trip on the Russian River. Perfect day trip! :)

July 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAna

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