about me.
Hi, welcome to modern sequins. A little blog dedicated to 2 of my obsessions, modern design and a closet full of sequins. Enjoy. xo, Myka
also here.








Would you ever wear overalls past the age of say 6?  I'm loving this look on other gals, but still not quite sure if I can pull it off.  My friend Emily can definitely rock a pair and looks dang good while doing it.  I'm still on the fence about whether or not I will be sporting a pair in the near future.  I'll keep ya posted.

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  • Response
    Response: www.notanoleggi.it
    good post! 9/10. bookmarked this blog :D, do you have you many more like this?

Reader Comments (2)

I completely forgot that I have a pair in my closet...thanks for reminding me!

April 23, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjeanette


April 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTessie

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