juice please.
Ever since finishing the blueprint cleanse, I've been obsessed with juices. Lucky for me, they sell most of the juices from my 3-day cleanse at Whole Foods. Lately I've been thinking about investing in a juicer for our home cause I seriously can't get enough of the stuff. I think the first recipe I'd try out is this beet juice. It's so funny, while on the cleanse, many of my friends who had also done it told me their least favorite was the beet juice, but I kind of loved it. Well, I think I might be ready to take the plunge into juicing at home.
{juice, photo by caitlin flemming}
tagged food | Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 10:43AM
Reader Comments (1)
if you and G take a plunge into juicing, i have an excellent recommendation for a juicer. :)