about me.
Hi, welcome to modern sequins. A little blog dedicated to 2 of my obsessions, modern design and a closet full of sequins. Enjoy. xo, Myka
also here.







10 things.

A few weeks ago I was tagged via instagram to list 5 things about me that you might not know.  I thought it was so much fun that I wanted to list the 5 items here and add 5 more.  Enjoy getting to know me a bit more.

the original 5:

{1} I'm naturally blonde.

{2} I used to swim competitively.

{3} I honestly really love cold weather.

{4} I met my husband when we were only 18.

{5} The only food I dislike (but everyone else seems to love) is steamed artichokes.

and 5 more:

{6} I am very close with my family.  I talk to at least one of them (mom, dad, sister, and brother) every day.

{7} I have zero sleeping problems (I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and rarely wake up at night). I had no idea how rare this was until I was an adult and met many friends with sleeping issues. 

{8} When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up and be a dolphin trainer.

{9} I love watching Law & Order.

{10} I've always dreamed of going to Africa.

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